Friday 7 June 2013

How To Make Customers “Love” Your Marketing To Bits

Rule #7 – Appeal to emotional and logical buyers

This rule is one of my favorites. Most people buy based on their first impressions and emotions, then try to back their decision up later through the use of logic. 

Most people will not admit it, but they will buy something because it makes them feel good, look good or feel special.

In your marketing campaigns, you should appeal to both your buyer’s emotions and logic. Think of ways to sell your products such that it will appeal to their inner desires and states. Don’t just base your arguments on tangible and direct features of your products. 

Rule #8 – Sell but don’t ridicule
Too many advertisements or sales personnel make fun of their prospects. The moment prospects are offended by something you say, they’ll very rarely want to buy from you even though you didn’t mean to. 

A while ago, an insurance agent tried pitching some of his packages to me. Unfortunately, he was so full of himself that he made brash comments which I didn’t take kindly to. While I didn’t directly show my displeasure at his remarks, I politely cut short the meeting with him and declined to do any future business with him. 

Always be mindful and sensitive to the needs of your prospects. Just because they need your products or services doesn’t mean they owe you a living. No one owes anyone else a living – And you should always be respectful when selling to a fellow human being. 

If you’re not sure whether a comment will offend your prospect, then don’t make it in the first place. Don’t put yourself in a situation which you will come to regret later on. 

Most people confuse being frank and honest with being offending. There’s a clear difference between the two. I appreciate frank and honest advice which will genuinely help me improve my well-being, but I don’t appreciate offending remarks that are not only baseless… but serve no useful purpose. 

Rule #9 – Never Assume

Perhaps one of the most important lessons I’ve learnt early on in my business is not to assume. In my early copywriting jobs I didn’t make it a priority to find out exactly what my clients wanted. I wrote based on what I thought they wanted and many problems arose later when they received their final product. 

Don’t assume that you know what your customers want. Ask them what exactly they want, and give it to them. Doing so will save you from many hours of headache when the disagreements surface much later. 

Rule #10 – Learn how to make friends and influence people

The best way to do this is to really go out there and start talking to people you meet. Whenever you’re on a cab, talk to the driver. When you’re at a store, talk to the people you meet. And always make it a point to listen more than you speak. 

If they say something that’s not in line with your beliefs, don’t dispute it directly. Instead, listen to their reasons and try to approach the issue from their point of view. This cultivates empathy and a sense of mindfulness. 

One of the best books you can pick up on this subject is “How to win friends and influence people”. It’s a classic and a best-seller. I encourage everyone and anyone to read it, more so if you’re in marketing. Reading this will equip you with the necessary skills to handle people and make friends with those around you. 

Am I doing it?

Most people at this point of time will close this report and never put any of the things I mentioned to action. They’ll either think, “This is too simple for me to work…” or “This will not work for me.” 

However, what differentiates a successful person from a failure is that the former chooses to take action, while the latter just sits back waiting for results to come to him. 

What you’ve read may be obvious or commonsensical, but are you putting all of them into practice? Don’t delay any further, write out a to-do list and go to work by applying all the knowledge you’ve just learnt in this special report. 

Be honest with yourself – Don’t move on to the next “rule” until you have applied the current one! 

I wish you all the best and remember to write me with your results. I love to hear from you! 

Yeo Feng is a highly sought after direct response copywriter, author, Internet Marketer and technology consultant. His main website is at 

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